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During the repair, we make sure that all the required circumstances are met. Closed doors, the best materials, a correct pre-heat and a welding process according to the project’s WPS, performed by certified welders.

Following the repair plan, our experts will encounter some hold-points where either our QA/QC department or our Welding Technician needs to give a ‘go’, before continuing the repair.

Our professionals are in charge of the complete project from beginning to end, thus ensuring that no step stays in between two departments.


When the project is finished, we do a 100% visual and a 100% MPI on all the new welds. By doing this, we ensure that no cracks or inclusions are left behind to cause damage in the future.

Sometimes, a repair requires a more thorough investigation. This is when we invite a third-party Notified Body to do US or X-ray testing on our repair.

Our principal goal with all these quality measurements is to restore the crane to its original strength: it has to function as if it were a complete new-build.


When we finish a job, we provide a small Repair Report with all the basic information and some pictures of before and after the repair. Should a more detailed report be required, we are able to provide a report with all the required documents as well.

In a complete report, the client will also encounter the used WPS, Repair Plan, Welder certificates, NDT report, certificates of the materials and weld consumables used, as well as a more extensive explanation of the performed repair.

A job well done, and good pricing compared to the manufacturer.

Johannes Trost, Trost GmbH